Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pet and child

Live toy or a real friend? Who will be the four-legged pet for a child and teach communication with him - dependent on their parents

Even if your three-year pipsqueak kept asking to buy him a dog or a pussy, promising to care for her, feed and walk, you know: the animal for a long time for him to be a soft toy. Only close to 5 years of the baby will be able to understand that a dog or cat requires both care and respect. That is why psychologists believe that the factory child pet is best from that age

No healthy animal, do not bite and scratches child for no reason.

Be ostrozhen <

ezavisimo of whether there is in your family, pets, or you just plan to "addition", but perhaps does not represent close to a guarantee for any living creatures - there are rules to communicate with animals, which is to inspire every child with a very early age. They all begin with the word "impossible", but without the restrictions here will not do: from how well a pipsqueak possess them, depends not only on his ability to get along with the four-legged friends, but also security. <

So, never be:

► closely approach an unfamiliar animal: not to stray, or to those that walk with their masters; I tease the animals, shouting at them or waving his arms; t run away from a dog, approach and touch the animals when they eat or sleep;

► pull them by the tail, hit or squeezed;

► take the hands of street dogs and cats;

► kissing animals, even domestic. When the baby gets older, explain to him that, before stroking someone's dog or cat, you need to ask permission from the owner. Dealing with homeless animals can be used only if they are well you know: for example, if the dog has long been living in your yard and has a friendly disposition. Tell your child that the wool dogs and cats (especially the homeless), there are many harmful bacteria, so after the baby has finished playing with a four-legged friend, you must always wash your hands with soap and water.

Dogs and cats are well feel the difference between adults and children, and know very well who was boss, and who - playmate and fun. Even calm dog alone with a baby can afford something that will never do in adult hosts. That is why, until the child is small, it is better to play with his pet were in the presence of elders. <

My tender Zver

Pet - this is the first creature, which the child can take care: to help feed and take care, walk. To inculcate in the kid responsible for the pet, try to append it more often, not only for games, but also to care. Choose an occupation that will be on the soul and the child-and optional - the beast: for example, impose a cat food or brushing the dog, if she likes it. Teach your baby to see a four-footed friend is not a large soft toy, but a special person, let them not like us, but having the same feelings and desires. Just as we consider the opinion of another person, you need to take into account the opinion of the animal. If the dog is sleeping after a walk and not configured for a game, you should not bother her - she is to be unpleasant, as any of us.

Try to specify with the child "forbidden zone", where he will not touch the beast: for example, can not get a cat from the nest, where she gets a dream.

I want somebody!

Parrot, hamster, turtle or fish require less care, but not be able to give your child a warm communication, as a dog or cat. Birds and waterfowl are often the favorites of adults, but kids interested in it quickly disappears.
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