Friday, September 18, 2009

How to conduct an independent examination of the testicles?

Men aged 15-40 years should be independently conduct monthly testicular examination or examination of the testes. This will help identify signs of testicular cancer in early stages. Survey simple and only takes a few minutes.

1. Take a warm bath or shower. This helps relax the scrotum, and facilitate the detection of pathologies.

2. Stand naked in front of a mirror.

3. Check the scrotum for the presence of tumor.

4. To feel the right testicle.

5. Take the egg index and middle fingers. The thumb is put on its top. Gently roll the egg with your fingers.

6. Grope in the back of his testicular appendage - a soft cord, which is stored sperm.

7. Do not confuse an appendage of the testicle with the tumor. Malignant tumors are usually located on the side (at least - on the front side) of the testicle. Tumors formed in the epididymis are not cancerous.

8. Check the seals.

9. Repeat the procedure with the left testicle.

10. Finding the seal or a tumor, immediately consult a doctor. Of course, this is not always a sign of cancer. Seals can also occur in some infectious diseases. But if it's still cancer of the testes, in the absence of treatment it will progress.
Rx New Mexico

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