Live toy or a real friend? Who will be the four-legged pet for a child and teach communication with him - dependent on their parents
Even if your three-year pipsqueak kept asking to buy him a dog or a pussy, promising to care for her, feed and walk, you know: the animal for a long time for him to be a soft toy. Only close to 5 years of the baby will be able to understand that a dog or cat requires both care and respect. That is why psychologists believe that the factory child pet is best from that age
No healthy animal, do not bite and scratches child for no reason.
Be ostrozhen <
ezavisimo of whether there is in your family, pets, or you just plan to "addition", but perhaps does not represent close to a guarantee for any living creatures - there are rules to communicate with animals, which is to inspire every child with a very early age. They all begin with the word "impossible", but without the restrictions here will not do: from how well a pipsqueak possess them, depends not only on his ability to get along with the four-legged friends, but also security. <
So, never be:
► closely approach an unfamiliar animal: not to stray, or to those that walk with their masters; I tease the animals, shouting at them or waving his arms; t run away from a dog, approach and touch the animals when they eat or sleep;
► pull them by the tail, hit or squeezed;
► take the hands of street dogs and cats;
► kissing animals, even domestic. When the baby gets older, explain to him that, before stroking someone's dog or cat, you need to ask permission from the owner. Dealing with homeless animals can be used only if they are well you know: for example, if the dog has long been living in your yard and has a friendly disposition. Tell your child that the wool dogs and cats (especially the homeless), there are many harmful bacteria, so after the baby has finished playing with a four-legged friend, you must always wash your hands with soap and water.
Dogs and cats are well feel the difference between adults and children, and know very well who was boss, and who - playmate and fun. Even calm dog alone with a baby can afford something that will never do in adult hosts. That is why, until the child is small, it is better to play with his pet were in the presence of elders. <
My tender Zver
Pet - this is the first creature, which the child can take care: to help feed and take care, walk. To inculcate in the kid responsible for the pet, try to append it more often, not only for games, but also to care. Choose an occupation that will be on the soul and the child-and optional - the beast: for example, impose a cat food or brushing the dog, if she likes it. Teach your baby to see a four-footed friend is not a large soft toy, but a special person, let them not like us, but having the same feelings and desires. Just as we consider the opinion of another person, you need to take into account the opinion of the animal. If the dog is sleeping after a walk and not configured for a game, you should not bother her - she is to be unpleasant, as any of us.
Try to specify with the child "forbidden zone", where he will not touch the beast: for example, can not get a cat from the nest, where she gets a dream.
I want somebody!
Parrot, hamster, turtle or fish require less care, but not be able to give your child a warm communication, as a dog or cat. Birds and waterfowl are often the favorites of adults, but kids interested in it quickly disappears.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sexual fantasies
Is there anything more intimate than sex? Some would say that no, that sexual relations - is not only fun, but trust between two people. And what about sexual fantasies? After all, sometimes talk about them - it's like to undress in the central square.
Sexologists, incidentally, claim that the dream of all. You never know, what does your boyfriend or husband is the head. Do it for you, or dreaming about the leggy blonde? And maybe even to mulattos or hot African guy?
Particularly intense dream teenagers about sex, they can dream up for hours. They say that on average, dreams about sex adolescents assign to 5-6 hours a day. As they get older dream displaces real sex and erotic fantasies play an hour and a half. After 25 years of fantasy becomes smaller, but they do not disappear, and sometimes it comes down to mind.
But what can you say if you dream about sex, even retirees. Sexologists even think of many older people would have turned out the best directors of porn movies.
Women's fantasies are slightly different from men's. Women - being emotional, and therefore did not come up with erotic scenes, and entire scenes. At the head of every woman lives a few erotic novels - at least, so say the psychologists. In their dreams, a woman does not represent the sexual act itself, it is important not movement, it is important detail. It gives a lot of time thinking up the plot, may from scratch to invent any character, and even fall in love with him. Of course, to devote all the subtleties of these fantasies she does not want anyone. Yes, and is it worth?
Men are usually very interesting. Of course, they are interested in dreams of his chosen. They are not against mental striptease and gladly listen to all your dreams. Only now, after some may take offense. Especially if you are not dreaming about it, but, for example, about his girlfriend or some famous personality. But do not make excuses and take refuge in silence. If you feel shy of his dreams, think of something new. Tell him about them, and let them put into practice. If you are not prepared to talk about dreams directly, try to do it by phone. Not for nothing because men are willing to pay for telephone calls to sexual themes. Well, so treat it - talk to him about everything that you like.
However, there is another but - what if he tells you something that you do not like it? According to statistics, men are very often change in thought. They dream about rough sex, children represent themselves and try on the role of sadist. Only now put into practice those dreams they are not in a hurry. For some it may just be ashamed. If a man entrusted to you my love mysteries, try to understand him. It's just a fantasy. Dreaming is not harmful, doctors are not prohibited. So you can not deny. And why? Dream on health.
Sexologists, incidentally, claim that the dream of all. You never know, what does your boyfriend or husband is the head. Do it for you, or dreaming about the leggy blonde? And maybe even to mulattos or hot African guy?
Particularly intense dream teenagers about sex, they can dream up for hours. They say that on average, dreams about sex adolescents assign to 5-6 hours a day. As they get older dream displaces real sex and erotic fantasies play an hour and a half. After 25 years of fantasy becomes smaller, but they do not disappear, and sometimes it comes down to mind.
But what can you say if you dream about sex, even retirees. Sexologists even think of many older people would have turned out the best directors of porn movies.
Women's fantasies are slightly different from men's. Women - being emotional, and therefore did not come up with erotic scenes, and entire scenes. At the head of every woman lives a few erotic novels - at least, so say the psychologists. In their dreams, a woman does not represent the sexual act itself, it is important not movement, it is important detail. It gives a lot of time thinking up the plot, may from scratch to invent any character, and even fall in love with him. Of course, to devote all the subtleties of these fantasies she does not want anyone. Yes, and is it worth?
Men are usually very interesting. Of course, they are interested in dreams of his chosen. They are not against mental striptease and gladly listen to all your dreams. Only now, after some may take offense. Especially if you are not dreaming about it, but, for example, about his girlfriend or some famous personality. But do not make excuses and take refuge in silence. If you feel shy of his dreams, think of something new. Tell him about them, and let them put into practice. If you are not prepared to talk about dreams directly, try to do it by phone. Not for nothing because men are willing to pay for telephone calls to sexual themes. Well, so treat it - talk to him about everything that you like.
However, there is another but - what if he tells you something that you do not like it? According to statistics, men are very often change in thought. They dream about rough sex, children represent themselves and try on the role of sadist. Only now put into practice those dreams they are not in a hurry. For some it may just be ashamed. If a man entrusted to you my love mysteries, try to understand him. It's just a fantasy. Dreaming is not harmful, doctors are not prohibited. So you can not deny. And why? Dream on health.
How to start a new life after divorce?
Divorce - a rather difficult period in the life of any woman. However, it does not end life. We just get out of a succession of old memories, to forget the former and start a new life.
First, you need to get rid of everything that reminds of the old life. This can be anything: clothes, books, photos, disks. If possible, you should change the place of residence, and maybe even the city. Thus, you not only get rid of the aura of a failed marriage, but otvlecheshsya from the divorce. In the opposite case, to overcome the memories will be much harder.
Do not go in so loved you once restaurants and cafes, where he once made you an offer, or the day after day twirl donated the souvenirs. Remove his work and mobile phone numbers, not rewriting them in advance at the leaf.
Let's face it: the past is not returned, and as before will be gone. Therefore you should not spend their years, youth and beauty of aimless recollections, and the constant shaking of nerves. Try to forget all the bad, leaving in only the most happy moments.
In no case of measles at his divorce: with you all right - you are beautiful, intelligent and charming, just sometimes the roads diverge. Maybe you should look at the situation from the other side? Divorce - it is as a stage for a new better life with someone who will appreciate you more and respect and whom you will love for real.
The new relationship will you only when you are to them as to be ready. Men will feel it, so nobody will come to an tired of the insults a woman in advance dooms itself to suffering. Worth trying to change. For example: changed his style, sign up for dancing or even find a new job.
Tune in for the best. If you believe in something that would succeed, nothing can knock you on track. Think about the good things about what experience have you had and what mistakes you can in the future. Do not ever get angry at her ex-husband and even more to avenge him for a divorce - anger boiling inside of you cause harm, especially you and your well-being.
Afraid of a new life - is to deprive ourselves of new prospects and happy moments. Just imagine how many before you open new roads and opportunities! Remember, what you dreamed of before her marriage, and what had to be abandoned due to lack of time.
But in telling the world, you can show yourself for what you really are. You'll see - a woman's real men will not miss!
First, you need to get rid of everything that reminds of the old life. This can be anything: clothes, books, photos, disks. If possible, you should change the place of residence, and maybe even the city. Thus, you not only get rid of the aura of a failed marriage, but otvlecheshsya from the divorce. In the opposite case, to overcome the memories will be much harder.
Do not go in so loved you once restaurants and cafes, where he once made you an offer, or the day after day twirl donated the souvenirs. Remove his work and mobile phone numbers, not rewriting them in advance at the leaf.
Let's face it: the past is not returned, and as before will be gone. Therefore you should not spend their years, youth and beauty of aimless recollections, and the constant shaking of nerves. Try to forget all the bad, leaving in only the most happy moments.
In no case of measles at his divorce: with you all right - you are beautiful, intelligent and charming, just sometimes the roads diverge. Maybe you should look at the situation from the other side? Divorce - it is as a stage for a new better life with someone who will appreciate you more and respect and whom you will love for real.
The new relationship will you only when you are to them as to be ready. Men will feel it, so nobody will come to an tired of the insults a woman in advance dooms itself to suffering. Worth trying to change. For example: changed his style, sign up for dancing or even find a new job.
Tune in for the best. If you believe in something that would succeed, nothing can knock you on track. Think about the good things about what experience have you had and what mistakes you can in the future. Do not ever get angry at her ex-husband and even more to avenge him for a divorce - anger boiling inside of you cause harm, especially you and your well-being.
Afraid of a new life - is to deprive ourselves of new prospects and happy moments. Just imagine how many before you open new roads and opportunities! Remember, what you dreamed of before her marriage, and what had to be abandoned due to lack of time.
But in telling the world, you can show yourself for what you really are. You'll see - a woman's real men will not miss!
Sex after childbirth
My friend recently divorced. After birth, the husband went on a spree. Not just changed once, and started a mistress, and constantly visit her. Friend in tears: I like a little child, why did not he wait? For me it was impossible to engage in sex after childbirth!
Girls, my dears. Yes, sex can not do. But the affection that no one canceled! It is he, your husband, the father of your child. He gave you this happiness. Thanks to him, now you have a little person. Yes, the child needs to pay much attention. But giving only half an hour to his beloved, let us say before bed, you give him to understand that appreciate your relationship.
This may be just kissing, caressing hands, oral sex, in the end. The main thing is to give her husband what he expects from you. Even if you have no sexual desire (within a few months after birth - this is normal), a sense of gratitude and love, for sure, because not gone anywhere. You're so long waiting for this moment! As many as nine months!
And remember how you made love to conceive a child. Which poses tried, what days chosen for closeness. It's the best moments in your life. Talk to your husband about this. Talking about sex, sex itself, of course, not replace, but your man will know that you also think of him as before.
Men - they themselves as children, that's a little jealous. Do not allow this. Do everything possible to a child and her husband have hardly been neglected your attention. Try to minimize time costs, ask your husband to help around the house, washing instruct a washing machine, cook simple meals, tune into a positive and you could do it!
When the time comes and you will be available to the normal sex, ask your husband to do so as soon as tender. For many women, sex after childbirth is worse than the first sexual experience. This is due to the possible pain, with uncertainty in its beauty (spoiled figure after the birth), with dryness of the vagina.
If you have a concern, in any case not be silent. Do not go to the victim: that's just to satisfy him and everything. After all, your husband - this is the closest person to you. If there is pain, you need to identify the cause, go to the gynecologist to check for the presence of infection, to know whether the healed tears, etc. If vaginal dryness appeared, it is worth to buy a special grease. There is nothing wrong, in fact, many lubricants contain substances that help women relax and get a more powerful orgasm, and this is for you very, very important.
All in your hands! Sex after childbirth would be even better than before. After you become a real woman. Woman with a capital letter!
Girls, my dears. Yes, sex can not do. But the affection that no one canceled! It is he, your husband, the father of your child. He gave you this happiness. Thanks to him, now you have a little person. Yes, the child needs to pay much attention. But giving only half an hour to his beloved, let us say before bed, you give him to understand that appreciate your relationship.
This may be just kissing, caressing hands, oral sex, in the end. The main thing is to give her husband what he expects from you. Even if you have no sexual desire (within a few months after birth - this is normal), a sense of gratitude and love, for sure, because not gone anywhere. You're so long waiting for this moment! As many as nine months!
And remember how you made love to conceive a child. Which poses tried, what days chosen for closeness. It's the best moments in your life. Talk to your husband about this. Talking about sex, sex itself, of course, not replace, but your man will know that you also think of him as before.
Men - they themselves as children, that's a little jealous. Do not allow this. Do everything possible to a child and her husband have hardly been neglected your attention. Try to minimize time costs, ask your husband to help around the house, washing instruct a washing machine, cook simple meals, tune into a positive and you could do it!
When the time comes and you will be available to the normal sex, ask your husband to do so as soon as tender. For many women, sex after childbirth is worse than the first sexual experience. This is due to the possible pain, with uncertainty in its beauty (spoiled figure after the birth), with dryness of the vagina.
If you have a concern, in any case not be silent. Do not go to the victim: that's just to satisfy him and everything. After all, your husband - this is the closest person to you. If there is pain, you need to identify the cause, go to the gynecologist to check for the presence of infection, to know whether the healed tears, etc. If vaginal dryness appeared, it is worth to buy a special grease. There is nothing wrong, in fact, many lubricants contain substances that help women relax and get a more powerful orgasm, and this is for you very, very important.
All in your hands! Sex after childbirth would be even better than before. After you become a real woman. Woman with a capital letter!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Treatment of impotence: Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know that I have erectile dysfunction? When to see a doctor?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the lack of sexual arousal or erection, insufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Usually it is caused by diseases (hypertension or diabetes) or medication (antidepressants, antihypertensive, antihistamines, tranquilizers and drugs that suppress appetite). At the beginning of treatment and when changing the dose of antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide and exacerbate depression. And depression, stress and anxiety also lead to violations of sexual function.
But you should not despair, you are not alone with your problem. With the advent of publicly available information, doctors began to treat more men with erectile dysfunction. First of all they are interested in three drugs: Viagra (sildenafil), Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) and Cialis (tadalafil). Therefore, if you are concerned about problems with erection, seek medical attention. Most erectile dysfunction can be cured.
How effective are listed medications?
Very effective. They enhance erections, making it sufficient for normal sexual intercourse. After coitus erection disappears. However, remember that the effectiveness of drugs depends on the reasons behind ED. Chronic diseases (eg diabetes) have a significant impact on treatment outcome.
What are the differences between the drugs?
The differences are small. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are the class of drugs PDE5 inhibitor receptors. All products in this series are about the same: an erection occurs only when sexual stimulation. Sexual stimulation causes the brain to send signals to the body of the need to develop nitric oxide. This substance relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis, improving blood supply and helps erection. All of these drugs increase the production of nitric oxide.
The big difference is only in time of action. Doctors advised to take Viagra and Levitra 30-60 minutes before intercourse, and Cialis - for 30 minutes. Duration of Viagra and Levitra - about 4 hours and Cialis - from 24 to 36 hours.
Whom these drugs are contraindicated?
Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are counter to those who take drugs containing nitrates (such as nitroglycerin, which is taken for pain in the heart). Simultaneous treatment with these drugs can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure. For the same reason, the combination of these drugs is contraindicated with alpha blockers, used to treat hypertension and prostate hyperplasia. Wrong drug combination may cause dizziness, fainting, even myocardial infarction or stroke. The oppression of sexual function results in the use of antihypertensive, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, means to suppress appetite and cimetidine (antiulcer drugs).
Do not take drugs for impotence, sexual activity if you contraindicated.
The effectiveness of treatment of sexual dysfunction in women using these drugs has not been proved (although studies of Viagra in this regard were held).
What are the side effects?
Side effects have all three drugs. Levitra can cause headaches, flushing, nasal congestion and runny nose and Viagra - a headache, a strong glow on the face, upset stomach, vision problems (erroneous perception of colors, blurred objects), and sensitivity to light. Cialis can trigger headache, muscle pain, back pain, indigestion, nasal congestion and runny nose. Typically, these side effects disappear within a few hours. Back pain and muscle aches usually go away within 48 hours.
Suffice rare visual impairment (vision of objects in the blue light or difficulties with the distinction of blue and green color in the use of Cialis and Levitra). When you receive Viagra vision problems occur for a short time.
With the sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The problem may be related to the development nearterialnoy ischemic optic neuropathy - the disease, which blocks blood supply to the optic nerve.
In very rare cases, these three drugs cause priapism - a condition characterized by persistent erection. If an erection lasts more than four hours, seek immediate medical attention. Erections lasting more than 6 hours can lead to serious complications, including - to problems with erections in the future.
How to take drugs?
All three drugs are manufactured in tablets. Allow them to be not more than 1 times per day. The exact dose determined by a physician.
Can I take these drugs during the meal?
Their method does not depend on the meal. The absorption of active substances in the same way under any external conditions.
These drugs are effective only with severe erectile dysfunction?
No. These drugs are equally effective for treating mild, moderate or severe forms of erectile dysfunction. With their help, removed and permanent and occasional problems with erections.
Are there any age restrictions?
No. Preparations may take men of any age. The effectiveness of medication does not change. Suffer from erectile dysfunction as the elderly, and young men.
Can I take drugs to enhance the potency of diabetes mellitus and hypertension?
Preparations for the treatment of ED in general recognized as safe and effective. But they should not be taken concurrently with drugs containing nitrates (eg, simultaneously with nitroglycerin). Acting together, these substances are sharply reduce blood pressure and can lead to stroke or myocardial infarction. Always consult your doctor if you are taking alpha-blockers - drugs used to reduce the pressure and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. Medical consultation is necessary and if you suffer from coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypotension, or are taking medications that increase blood pressure.
They protect whether these drugs on disease, sexually transmitted infections?
No, drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction do not protect against diseases, sexually transmitted infections including HIV infection. The only protection - latex condom and limiting the number of sexual partners.
Nearing the erection itself after taking these drugs?
No, for the erection requires sexual stimulation.
Rx Indiana
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the lack of sexual arousal or erection, insufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Usually it is caused by diseases (hypertension or diabetes) or medication (antidepressants, antihypertensive, antihistamines, tranquilizers and drugs that suppress appetite). At the beginning of treatment and when changing the dose of antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide and exacerbate depression. And depression, stress and anxiety also lead to violations of sexual function.
But you should not despair, you are not alone with your problem. With the advent of publicly available information, doctors began to treat more men with erectile dysfunction. First of all they are interested in three drugs: Viagra (sildenafil), Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) and Cialis (tadalafil). Therefore, if you are concerned about problems with erection, seek medical attention. Most erectile dysfunction can be cured.
How effective are listed medications?
Very effective. They enhance erections, making it sufficient for normal sexual intercourse. After coitus erection disappears. However, remember that the effectiveness of drugs depends on the reasons behind ED. Chronic diseases (eg diabetes) have a significant impact on treatment outcome.
What are the differences between the drugs?
The differences are small. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are the class of drugs PDE5 inhibitor receptors. All products in this series are about the same: an erection occurs only when sexual stimulation. Sexual stimulation causes the brain to send signals to the body of the need to develop nitric oxide. This substance relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis, improving blood supply and helps erection. All of these drugs increase the production of nitric oxide.
The big difference is only in time of action. Doctors advised to take Viagra and Levitra 30-60 minutes before intercourse, and Cialis - for 30 minutes. Duration of Viagra and Levitra - about 4 hours and Cialis - from 24 to 36 hours.
Whom these drugs are contraindicated?
Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are counter to those who take drugs containing nitrates (such as nitroglycerin, which is taken for pain in the heart). Simultaneous treatment with these drugs can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure. For the same reason, the combination of these drugs is contraindicated with alpha blockers, used to treat hypertension and prostate hyperplasia. Wrong drug combination may cause dizziness, fainting, even myocardial infarction or stroke. The oppression of sexual function results in the use of antihypertensive, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, means to suppress appetite and cimetidine (antiulcer drugs).
Do not take drugs for impotence, sexual activity if you contraindicated.
The effectiveness of treatment of sexual dysfunction in women using these drugs has not been proved (although studies of Viagra in this regard were held).
What are the side effects?
Side effects have all three drugs. Levitra can cause headaches, flushing, nasal congestion and runny nose and Viagra - a headache, a strong glow on the face, upset stomach, vision problems (erroneous perception of colors, blurred objects), and sensitivity to light. Cialis can trigger headache, muscle pain, back pain, indigestion, nasal congestion and runny nose. Typically, these side effects disappear within a few hours. Back pain and muscle aches usually go away within 48 hours.
Suffice rare visual impairment (vision of objects in the blue light or difficulties with the distinction of blue and green color in the use of Cialis and Levitra). When you receive Viagra vision problems occur for a short time.
With the sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The problem may be related to the development nearterialnoy ischemic optic neuropathy - the disease, which blocks blood supply to the optic nerve.
In very rare cases, these three drugs cause priapism - a condition characterized by persistent erection. If an erection lasts more than four hours, seek immediate medical attention. Erections lasting more than 6 hours can lead to serious complications, including - to problems with erections in the future.
How to take drugs?
All three drugs are manufactured in tablets. Allow them to be not more than 1 times per day. The exact dose determined by a physician.
Can I take these drugs during the meal?
Their method does not depend on the meal. The absorption of active substances in the same way under any external conditions.
These drugs are effective only with severe erectile dysfunction?
No. These drugs are equally effective for treating mild, moderate or severe forms of erectile dysfunction. With their help, removed and permanent and occasional problems with erections.
Are there any age restrictions?
No. Preparations may take men of any age. The effectiveness of medication does not change. Suffer from erectile dysfunction as the elderly, and young men.
Can I take drugs to enhance the potency of diabetes mellitus and hypertension?
Preparations for the treatment of ED in general recognized as safe and effective. But they should not be taken concurrently with drugs containing nitrates (eg, simultaneously with nitroglycerin). Acting together, these substances are sharply reduce blood pressure and can lead to stroke or myocardial infarction. Always consult your doctor if you are taking alpha-blockers - drugs used to reduce the pressure and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. Medical consultation is necessary and if you suffer from coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypotension, or are taking medications that increase blood pressure.
They protect whether these drugs on disease, sexually transmitted infections?
No, drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction do not protect against diseases, sexually transmitted infections including HIV infection. The only protection - latex condom and limiting the number of sexual partners.
Nearing the erection itself after taking these drugs?
No, for the erection requires sexual stimulation.
Rx Indiana
Can I become a father after a vasectomy?
Many men forget about one important thing: a father can become even after removal semyavyvodyaschego flow. This happens infrequently, but ignoring doctor's advice can lead to unwanted pregnancies.
Vasectomy - a simple operation. It is often done right in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. The doctor cuts or blocks the channels called vas deferens. This sperm will not get from the testicles into the penis. After vasectomy ejaculation occurs, but the seminal fluid normally does not contain sperm.
However, sperm at ejaculation no longer stand not immediately. To ensure sterility of their own, you need some time to do an analysis of seminal fluid. Prior to this analysis shows the absence of sperm, do not expect that your partner is insured from conception to 100%.
Sperm can be present in semen up to 3 months and sometimes longer. While the analysis does not show her absence, use of contraceptives. In rare cases, can become a father, even if the analysis shows "pure". Researchers monitored 600 couples where the partner was made vasectomy. It was found that 6 women became pregnant within 6-72 weeks after the sterilization of men.
To verify the effectiveness of the procedure, continue to be tested for the presence of sperm in the seminal fluid. This should be done at least twice after surgery. Some doctors also recommend a check one year after vasectomy.
Many men do not follow this advice. According to statistics, every fourth man underwent surgery, or lease any of the analysis of seminal fluid. Half of the patients did not re-analysis, as recommended by your doctor.
If you have recently done vasectomy, or the operation of your plans, be sure to check after the seminal fluid for the presence of semen. Those who disregard this advice run the risk to get a big surprise.
Rx Iowa
Vasectomy - a simple operation. It is often done right in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. The doctor cuts or blocks the channels called vas deferens. This sperm will not get from the testicles into the penis. After vasectomy ejaculation occurs, but the seminal fluid normally does not contain sperm.
However, sperm at ejaculation no longer stand not immediately. To ensure sterility of their own, you need some time to do an analysis of seminal fluid. Prior to this analysis shows the absence of sperm, do not expect that your partner is insured from conception to 100%.
Sperm can be present in semen up to 3 months and sometimes longer. While the analysis does not show her absence, use of contraceptives. In rare cases, can become a father, even if the analysis shows "pure". Researchers monitored 600 couples where the partner was made vasectomy. It was found that 6 women became pregnant within 6-72 weeks after the sterilization of men.
To verify the effectiveness of the procedure, continue to be tested for the presence of sperm in the seminal fluid. This should be done at least twice after surgery. Some doctors also recommend a check one year after vasectomy.
Many men do not follow this advice. According to statistics, every fourth man underwent surgery, or lease any of the analysis of seminal fluid. Half of the patients did not re-analysis, as recommended by your doctor.
If you have recently done vasectomy, or the operation of your plans, be sure to check after the seminal fluid for the presence of semen. Those who disregard this advice run the risk to get a big surprise.
Rx Iowa
How to conduct an independent examination of the testicles?
Men aged 15-40 years should be independently conduct monthly testicular examination or examination of the testes. This will help identify signs of testicular cancer in early stages. Survey simple and only takes a few minutes.
1. Take a warm bath or shower. This helps relax the scrotum, and facilitate the detection of pathologies.
2. Stand naked in front of a mirror.
3. Check the scrotum for the presence of tumor.
4. To feel the right testicle.
5. Take the egg index and middle fingers. The thumb is put on its top. Gently roll the egg with your fingers.
6. Grope in the back of his testicular appendage - a soft cord, which is stored sperm.
7. Do not confuse an appendage of the testicle with the tumor. Malignant tumors are usually located on the side (at least - on the front side) of the testicle. Tumors formed in the epididymis are not cancerous.
8. Check the seals.
9. Repeat the procedure with the left testicle.
10. Finding the seal or a tumor, immediately consult a doctor. Of course, this is not always a sign of cancer. Seals can also occur in some infectious diseases. But if it's still cancer of the testes, in the absence of treatment it will progress.
Rx New Mexico
1. Take a warm bath or shower. This helps relax the scrotum, and facilitate the detection of pathologies.
2. Stand naked in front of a mirror.
3. Check the scrotum for the presence of tumor.
4. To feel the right testicle.
5. Take the egg index and middle fingers. The thumb is put on its top. Gently roll the egg with your fingers.
6. Grope in the back of his testicular appendage - a soft cord, which is stored sperm.
7. Do not confuse an appendage of the testicle with the tumor. Malignant tumors are usually located on the side (at least - on the front side) of the testicle. Tumors formed in the epididymis are not cancerous.
8. Check the seals.
9. Repeat the procedure with the left testicle.
10. Finding the seal or a tumor, immediately consult a doctor. Of course, this is not always a sign of cancer. Seals can also occur in some infectious diseases. But if it's still cancer of the testes, in the absence of treatment it will progress.
Rx New Mexico
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